Safe Haven

Domestic abuse is a widespread problem that impacts millions of lives every year. It can be hard to seek help, especially when you fear for your well-being. That’s why we created Safe Haven – the most convenient and trustworthy way to get assistance when you are in danger.

With Safe Haven, you can take the first step towards a safer future. Our app is user-friendly and offers you a variety of options to get help in a timely and confidential manner. Whether you need legal help, counseling services, or just a friendly ear, Safe Haven is here for you.

The app also learns from the user’s feedback and behavior to improve its accuracy and reliability.

The app uses a combination of natural language processing, speech recognition, and geolocation to determine if the user is being verbally, emotionally, or physically abused by someone. The app compares the user’s data with a database of known indicators of abuse, such as abusive words, threats, insults, yelling, name-calling, isolation, control, stalking, or violence.

The app does not store or share any personal information or identifiable data with third parties. The app alerts the user by sending a discreet notification on their phone, which they can tap to access the resources or contact an ethics professional. The app also connects users with chat rooms on our social media platforms, where they can find support and solidarity from others who have experienced abuse.

Built with your privacy in mind

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